Dues and Fees
Annual Dues - $190
Note - $85 for National, $2 for insurance, $15 for Scout life and $88.00 for the troop
Due Date - Fees are due annually on the date the scout joined the troop (Starting August 1, 2023).
BSA Registration
Scout Life Magazine
Most camping fees (excluding food, typically $10 per person, per campout)
Camping Equipment (Troop and Patrol)
Training Opportunities for Youth and Adults
There are multiple opportunities throughout the year for a Scout to earn their way, through earning Scout Bucks.
New Scout Package - $30
Troop neckerchief and slide
Troop 132 Uniform Numbers
Merit Badge Sash (presented upon award of their first merit badge)
Troop Baseball Cap
Troop 132 Scout Notebook
Patrol Patch
(All of this has a retail value of over $90!)
Other Costs
Troop "Class B" (T-Shirt) - $15
Troop Hat - $12
Troop Jacket - $35
Summer Camp - $300 - $600
Summer camp fees are separate from annual dues and vary depending on where the Scouts decide to go, and if there are any additional activities/tours they want to do.
Scout bucks earned can be used to pay for Summer Camp. an energetic Scout can pay for camp entirely through fundraising!
Scholarship and/or financial aid is available. See the Committee Chair or Scoutmaster for more information
Adult Leaders - $65 paid for by the troop
Merit Badge Counselor - $25 fee. NO fee if a registered adult leader.
Wood Badge - Troop pays $100 for registered leaders upon completion of both training weekends Woodbadge.
NYLT - Scout/Parent pays $100 only, Troop picks up the remainder of the cost
Wilderness First Aid - Paid for by the troop, but scout/adult must pay for preq CPR Cert.
University of Scouting - $15 paid for by the troop